Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jessie and Phil's Wedding

Jessie and Phil got married on August 30th at the Mount Timpanogoes Temple. It was so much fun seeing the cousins! I'm not in any pictures I later noticed! Oh, well! We had a great time at the reception later that night with the lovely chocolate fountains. Even though, I didn't get any pictures of them, Jake and Emily were there and Emily is now pregnant with their third! I loved Jessie's chocolate cupcake wedding cake, although Heather and Dave had a fun time putting the top on. Heather, me and Mom got up really early to put all the flowers together. The bridal bouquet was gorgeous, once again MOM!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Wedding Day!!!

The wedding day was absolutely great! It was a gorgeous day and the pictures turned out incredible. Enjoy!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday, November 2, 2007

Pumpkin Walk and Halloween!

Hey, Everyone! I know it has been a really long time since I updated my blogspot. But, better late than never! So, I've been in Logan for almost 3 months now. School is going great and I found a job at Logan Regional Hospital. I love living here! It is absolutely beautiful! The people are great and I'm having a blast! So, we went to a pumpkin walk a few weeks ago and we decided, despite what the signs said, to be a part of the show!

Mike and me in Whoville.

Going on a cruise!

Umpa-loompa pumpkins. (I have no idea how to spell that.)

Popeye and Olive Oil.

Jumping on the sleigh with the Grinch!

We had a Halloween party at work.

Obviously I'm a witch, but most people didn't know what Mike was. So, for those of you who don't know he is a character from you know which one?

Mike rising from the dead!

This is my roommate Amanda and we went camping with the pumpkins.

I've always known I was a princess:)

This picture never ceases to make me laugh! This is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Hope you all had a great Halloween!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Saying Goodbye to the Best Time of My Life.



We were the Lucky Charms for our Olympics Day. We won FIRST PLACE!

This is Brian. This picture just gives you a little taste of what our relationship has been. He was one of my harder students, but he is definitely my favorite! I had the hardest time saying goodbye to him. He came right up to me and gave me a huge hug. I will always have a sweet spot for him.

I can't believe it's already over. We had graduation tonight. We have been preparing the kids for about a month now. Each class does a song and dance number. I have never seen anything so cute in my entire life! So, I just spent the last two days saying goodbye to these kids who mean more than anything to me.

I can't even describe how this has changed my life. The best thing I can come up with is that I have never felt so complete and fulfilled. At the end of graduation they had all of us teachers stand up on the stage. Then one of my first grade students, Cheryl, brought me flowers. I absolutely lost it right on the stage. As I stood there looking out at the kids I have truly come to love, I was overcome with the love the Lord has for them. This is the COOLEST thing I have ever done. It is always the things that are the hardest, you come to cherish the most. Teaching them was so hard, but the most rewarding. It tested and stretched me in so many ways that will affect me for the rest of my life. I have especially learned how to, "get down with my goofy self," to quote our school director.

I will never forget these kids. They taught me so much about myself. I have learned so much about how the Lord works. He loves each and everyone of us, including these little Taiwanese kids.

The Lord's hand is in every aspect of our lives. He has led me down an incredible path and blessed me in so many ways. I'm thankful for every opportunity to build a stronger conviction of our Savior. It has been incredible to see how intimately the Lord is involved in our lives. I can't wait to see what else He has in store for me. This is only the beginning!!