Friday, March 30, 2007

Barbecue on Green Island

After a long day of snorkling and "scootering" we went to the hotel barbecue. It was all you-can-eat and the most normal food we had had for days. They had a room full of bins with all the food. I stayed away from anything I didn't recognize, which was everything but green peppers, corn and chicken. Here we are using chopsticks to cook the food with. Fortunately, a cute Taiwanese woman could tell we had no idea what we were doing, so later she gave us some tongs. I think it it is so funny to look in the background and all you see is a bunch of black haired people. You can see how we definitely stick out like sore thumbs.

I couldn't believe how much sun I got. I just love the sunburn lines!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Snorkling on Green Island!

Here we are snorkling on Green Island! It was so much fun. First we had to put on wonderful wet suits. I've never felt so attractive in my entire life! It was pretty interesting when they were trying to teach us how to snorkle because it was in Chinese. They had life preservers tied to a rope. So, they put two of us on each one and just pulled us around the ocean. We could just float and look at the fish! This is Mikaela and me.

Ashley had an underwater camera so we attempted to get some pictures. Obviously, this doesn't even come close to what it really looked like.

The whole group right before we ventured out. Can you tell which one is me?

This is a picture of the beach in Kenting, the last place we went. And, yes, this is me swimming in a WARM ocean!!!

It was a little weird with it being salt water, but the sunset was beautiful! Oh yeah, I was SWIMMING IN A WARM OCEAN!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Little Great Wall of Green Island

We found this when we went on our scooter ride around the island. It's called, "The Little Great Wall."
This is at the top of the pathway. We stepped out of the little buildings and sat on the cliff to take pictures. Pretty cool!

I just love how green everything is here!

This is Heather and me on our scooter. I drove her around the whole trip. This was taken our last morning on the island. We woke up early to see the sunrise on the beach.

Friday, March 9, 2007

More Green Island - Hot Springs

Believe it or not this picture was taken looking outside of the train window! It's gorgeous!
I was still trying to figure out my camera. I only discovered my night setting after we had already left the hot springs. So, the pictures are kind of dark. Like I said before, these hot springs are sitting right on the beach. It was so much fun listening to the ocean while sitting in hot salt water!!

Here is some Chinglish. It was outside the locker room at the hot springs. Pretty funny!

Sorry, I know it's really dark.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Green Island

I have been trying to get all the pictures in a certain order and gave up. There are pictures on 7 different cameras so I will post them as I get them. This is a shot of Green Island the first day we arrived. This is the main street with all the beach shops.
This was my first time driving a scooter! It was amazing! I'm wearing a mask. Everyone here wears them because of the pollution. It really makes a difference. After I ride my bike my throat usually hurts for a while in Feng Yuan. You can't see it very well, but it's really cute!

This would be my crash site. The gas is on the right handle and I lost my balance and all my weight shifted onto my right hand. Needless to say I kind of lost control and ran over a cinderblock thing. Nothing but great memories!!

Great shot of the coast line.

From left to right this is DeAnna, Mikaela, Sara, Me, Ashley and then Heather. DeAnna and Mikaela are two of the girls I will be backpacking Europe with next year! We found a good place with chicken and rice. We were so excited to find something good to eat that wasn't squirming!

We were leaving to go to the hot springs the first night. Green Island has one of only three salt water hot springs in the world. It is right on the beach!! I have some pictures I will put up later of us in the water.

This is one of my favorite shots!!! Pumped and ready! The greatest thing about Green Island is how small it is! You can circle the island in about 35-40 minutes. So, we went on a night scooter ride and circled the entire island. More to come....